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A Peak Prescription is a [[Normalized]] +0.25 D, or whatever your "next normalized" would be.
Also known as "Peak Diopters".
Use of Peak Prescription is considered an advanced troubleshooting technique, so when it doubt, stick to only having two glasses, normalized and differentials.
A Peak Prescription is [https://endmyopia.org/alex-unlock-one-diopter-margin-vision/ your next] [[normalized]]. Alternatively, you can use old differentials (with their stronger diopters than current differentials) as a peak prescription.

It could be [https://endmyopia.org/what-you-missed-the-peak-prescription/ used when the Normalized has too much correction], but be careful not to use too many focal planes.
It could be [https://endmyopia.org/what-you-missed-the-peak-prescription/ used when the Normalized has too much correction], but be careful not to use too many focal planes.
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It is also useful for [https://endmyopia.org/alex-unlock-one-diopter-margin-vision/ this exercise].
It is also useful for [https://endmyopia.org/alex-unlock-one-diopter-margin-vision/ this exercise].
The EM blog has an example where [https://endmyopia.org/part-2-improvements/ the peak prescription (and therefore next normalized) is -8, which is 1.5 D under the current normalized of -9].
The EM forums also has an example where [https://community.endmyopia.org/t/my-journey-from-4-25-halmadavid/5080/739 a previous differential can be used as a fallback from a new differential], in case it is challenging to get used to a new differential reduction.
Only start using peak diopters when you are not getting stimulus from your current normalized, or if you are troubleshooting a plateau.  When getting used to a reduction (whether current normalized, or next normalized), it is better to have only one pair of glasses you are getting acclimated to at a time,.
==Reduced Lens Method's Protocol for Peak Prescription==
* [Option A] Start days without glasses (zero diopter reset)
* [Option B] Start days with differentials (particularly if personal myopia level is too high to be comfortable for the start of the day)
* Switch to the peak diopters in peak conditions (like a brightly lit morning walk) for 30-120 minutes of an active focus promoting activity. Proceed to the next step of using normalized glasses earlier if you feel fatigue.
* Switch to your current normalized for the rest of the day.
Over time, move toward using peak prescription as the next normalized, as that pair of glasses becomes more comfortable to use.
Avoid introducing too many focal planes too early. Switching frequently between two unfamiliar reduction glasses has anecdotally stalled progress, so make sure current normalized adaptation is locked in before introducing peak diopters.
[[Category:Lens selections]]

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