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* The first 4 references are for other studies which link near work and accommodation to myopia
* The first 4 references are for other studies which link near work and accommodation to myopia

Exaggerated longitudinal eye growth is assumed to play an important role in the development of myopia. A significant correlation between refraction and amount of near-work has been reported.
(Off-topic but confirmation biasy...)

A really really old paper (1932)
A really really old paper (1932)
  Based on the hypothesis that progression of myopia may result from tension of the extraocular muscles during prolonged convergence in near work ...
  Based on the hypothesis that progression of myopia may result from tension of the extraocular muscles during prolonged convergence in near work ...
...  The human eye elongates slightly during accommodation,... suggesting that prolonged accommodation might lead to a permanent increase in eye length and myopia. On this basis, reducing accommodative effort might act to reduce myopia progression.

== But maybe it's convergence, not accommodation ==
== But maybe it's convergence, not accommodation ==