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The EM blog has an example where [https://endmyopia.org/part-2-improvements/ the peak prescription (and therefore next normalized) is -8, which is 1.5 D under the current normalized of -9].
The EM blog has an example where [https://endmyopia.org/part-2-improvements/ the peak prescription (and therefore next normalized) is -8, which is 1.5 D under the current normalized of -9].

The EM forums also has an example where [https://community.endmyopia.org/t/my-journey-from-4-25-halmadavid/5080/739?u=snax a previous differential can be used as a fallback from a new differential], in case it is challenging to get used to a new differential reduction.
The EM forums also has an example where [https://community.endmyopia.org/t/my-journey-from-4-25-halmadavid/5080/739 a previous differential can be used as a fallback from a new differential], in case it is challenging to get used to a new differential reduction.

Only start using peak diopters when you are not getting stimulus from your current normalized, or if you are troubleshooting a plateau.  When getting used to a reduction (whether current normalized, or next normalized), it is better to have only one pair of glasses you are getting acclimated to at a time,.
Only start using peak diopters when you are not getting stimulus from your current normalized, or if you are troubleshooting a plateau.  When getting used to a reduction (whether current normalized, or next normalized), it is better to have only one pair of glasses you are getting acclimated to at a time,.