Explainer:The Eyesight Improvement Equation

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Our finest and well endowed data analysts have looked at all the facts and figures. They figured out this remarkably simple equation:

Make sure the four variables to the left are good, and you will improve in 99% of cases.

Good close-up habits

Differentials are essential for successful vision improvement. You cannot wear your full strength prescription glasses for close work, as this is the primary stimulus that elongated your eyeball in the first place. Full strength glasses, when combined with screens are the primary cause of lens-induced myopia.

Differentials are significantly undercorrected glasses that are used only for screens. They are typically used when someone has more than -2 spherical diopters.[1]

Correct normalized

Normalized should undercorrect you by 0.25 diopters (the minimum difference available for standard corrective lenses) from the correction you would need to see at 20/20. Don't reduce more than 0.25, as reducing faster than necessary provides no benefit and can stagnate progress. Vision improvement takes time.

If the original correction was just right, a reduction of 0.25 would take your blur horizon to 4m.

Active Focus and Distance Vision

Active Focus

Active Focus: this one simple trick improves your eyesight, optometrists hate it!

— We should run adverts like this

Active Focus allows you challenge blur and clear your vision, increasing your blur horizon. This is the 'learning to ride a bicycle' part. Once you know how to do Active Focus, you don't usually forget how to do it. It can be very annoying for newcomers, as there isn't really an easy and established way of finding it that works for everybody.

A Million Ways To Find Active Focus may be of use in helping you figure out Active Focus for yourself.

Distance Vision

Distance vision, without a doubt is your primary habit to improve vision. The combination of distance vision with Active Focus is the reason anyone gets back to 20/20 in a relatively efficient and effective manner. There are ways to improve eyesight without distance vision, such as Active Focusing onto screens. However, this is vastly inferior to distance vision habits.

Incorporating distance vision can be done to varying degrees in your life based on many factors. If you're already in a profession or obligation that requires a lot of distance vision, you should be good to go. If not, make a habit of getting distance vision into your life.

Incorporating as little as thirty minutes a day will be good for starting out initially. 2-3 hours a day will be ideal for vision improvement, after which any distance vision beyond that in a day will suffer from diminishing returns. This is important, so you might want to look over your priorities if you are struggling to find the time for distance vision

Tying it all together

People tend to overcomplicate vision improvement. EndMyopia is fiendish in that it's relatively simple to understand what to do and start improving.

You will likely experience much faster gains in the beginning due to ciliary spasm you will lose as a result of fixing your close-up habits and wearing differentials. This is good because it shows you a real improvement in your eyesight, and can get you excited for the long-term improvements coming up. You can improve by as much a whole diopter in the first 90 days, after which you should expect your improvements to slow down.[2]

Ragging on the Bates method

For the record, EndMyopia is far more simple and effective than the Bates method and the millions of eye exercises that are involved there, none of which actually tackle the root cause of the problem. How does placing your palm on your eyes induce myopic defocus, the primary cause for decreasing the axial length of the eye as shown in independent clinical studies?[3] It doesn't, that's how.

The biggest learning curve is Active Focus, after which other stuff is easily addressed through habits and good understanding of the method.

The community is full of people who tried the Bates method and failed  


  1. The EndMyopia Blog, https://endmyopia.org/low-myopia-when-can-you-stop-wearing-glasses/
  2. The EndMyopia Blog, https://endmyopia.org/0-25-to-0-50-improvement-in-90-days-not-enough/
  3. Read SA, Collins MJ, Sander BP (2010). "Human optical axial length and defocus". Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51 (12): 6262–9. doi:10.1167/iovs.10-5457. PMID 20592235.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)