Guide:Start your improvement here

Revision as of 15:23, 29 May 2020 by NottNott (talk | contribs)

Welcomearstarstarst to EndMyopia, the best place anywhere on the internet for regaining your own natural eyesight and reversing your myopia.

Knowledge is really key when it comes to making long-term improvements in your eyesight. You should watch as many videos listed below, and comprehensively review the YouTube channel and [{{{1}}} the blog] throughout your journey.

Why your myopia happened in the first place

Main article
Animated explanation

The vast majority of myopia in the world today is caused by lens-induced myopia, as a result of hyperopic defocus due to wearing full strength prescription glasses while being engaged in close work.

Starting out

Start Here: Improve your Eyesight

You can sign up for the comprehensive free 7-day email course at the bottom of the [{{{1}}} EndMyopia website].

Good resources and articles for newcomers

Seriously, read this stuff.

The EndMyopia YouTube channel and [{{{1}}} the blog] are invaluable resources in improving your eyesight.

Experience has demonstrated many times that without adequate knowledge of the process, people are really unlikely to make any improvements in their eyesight. The golden rule is that there is always more to learn with vision improvement, and you should not be afraid to spend significant amounts of time reading the resources already available to you.

You are likely to make mistakes along this journey: there is trial and error as you perfect the approach taken to improving vision. Ultimately the base ideas are really simple to understand and follow, but there is a lot of nuance in how they are executed, and the nuance can take time to understand fully.



Active Focus

Measurement tools

Low myopia


Consult the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). They are very extensive and may very well answer your questions. Did you see endmyopia's blog section? Hover over (with your mouse) “Blog and How-to’s” and check the “Eyesight How-To’s” and any other relevant sections for you. Search the blog. Do you know how to search the blog? Hit the 🔍️ in the upper right corner and fill out the relevant search items there.

Here are some search terms to help you get started:

  • “first differentials” and “first normalized”.
  • For astigmatism: “(reducing) prescription complexity”, “Astigmatism”, “Cylinder”, “diopter ratio”,
  • Do you have one “weaker/stronger” eye? Search for: “(reducing) prescription complexity”, “dominant eye” and “diopter ratio”.


See also
