
Way too much time on his hands

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I'm a British YouTuber who's doing EndMyopia, recently becoming quite successful! I found EndMyopia on 10 May 2019, and devoured all of the content on the blog, even kind of hacking the site a little bit so I didn't have to wait the 7 days for the free email guide. Pretty hungry for any information about fixing my eyesight.

I had a big period of reducing too quickly in the early days. This stopped in late October, when I realised I was doing something really wrong. I had reduced from -5 to like -2.25 in three months, completely getting a lot of the basics wrong and going through serious blur adaptation.

I wisened up and bumped up my correction back to OD/OS -4.75/-3.75, my new starting point for normalised. Since then I have had far more success, and I'm super confident I will have 20/20 vision at some point, definitely.

Vision improvement is changing my life, just do it! You won't regret it at all once you start seeing real improvements.

You can find my improvement log series of videos here.

You can find my wiki userpage here.

Other stuff

I'm admin of the Discord server, mod in the Facebook group made The Portable Eye Guru Project, admin of Le Meow and started EndMyopia Wiki.

So, I'm really just a filthy hat collector after cool titles. You really shouldn't trust me on any of this stuff, as I'm in far too deep. I'm in on the massive cult of vision improvement :P


Last pair of glasses before knowing about EM
Left Right
Sphere -5.00 -5.50
Cylinder -0.50 -0.50
Axis 175 180
Left Right
Sphere -2.75 -3.75
Left Right
Sphere -1.00 -2.00