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Anticipated Glasses Future

Next glasses

normal/normalized glasses will be brown frames

OD/Right: -4.00 sphere, -1.50 cylinder, 171 axis

OS/Left: -3.75 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 176 axis

Lens: 1.57 Mid-Index

closeup/differential glasses will be gold frames

OD/Right: -3.00 sphere, -1.50 cylinder, 171 axis

OS/Left: -2.75 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 176 axis

Lens: 1.57 Mid-Index

My Glasses History

I figured I should track this somewhere and maybe someday I will make enough progress that this level of detail will be interesting to someone besides me. Or maybe just knowing my context is useful. Also adding other non-glasses stuff that could be relevant.


Bike trip ends

Using borrowed tv screen as monitor. Quit all refined sugar again.

Bike trip review

Didn't make any changes while bicycling. Rode my bike a bunch, used the laptop a bunch. Got a bit of a tan. Ate a TON of junk food. ALLLlll the sugary things. Traveled maybe 2,000 miles.

March 2022

Bicycle trip starts

This is when I left on a bicycle trip. I'm getting lots of sunshine and outdoor time. This is a dramatic change from my winter habits this year, so I won't make any changes to my glasses at this time.

Abandoned keyboard and mouse, no room to pack 'em.

January 26, 2022

Found a free keyboard and mouse.

Now I can get my laptop further away from my lap. Only problem is, I just switched to new normalized glasses a few days ago! So I am concerned about effectively changing two focal planes at once. Oh well. Will try to be conservative about where I set my computer, while still getting in the habit of using the keyboard and mouse.

In short, I have to be cautious about not effectively changing two focal planes at once.

January 22, 2022

normal glasses - black frames

OD/right: -4.25 sphere, -1.5 cylinder, 171 axis

OS/left: -4 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 176 axis

Lens: 1.57 Mid-Index

November 7, 2021

Normal glasses

Couldn't find my original prescription when I wanted to change glasses from my close-ups (differentials) so I decided it was time to switch to my first normalized glasses. It feels like it has been about a month. I also received my over-the-glasses sunglasses yesterday!

OD/Right -4.50 sphere, -1.50 cylinder, 171 axis
OS/Left -4.25 sphere,-1.75 cylinder, 176 axis

Lens: 1.57 Mid-Index

Mid-October 2021

Close-ups - blue frames

OD/Right: -3.25 sphere, -1.5 cylinder, 171 axis
OS/Left: -3 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 176 axis
Zenni frame 411516 because it's got half a dozen colors so I can keep track of new glasses easier, and it's the cheapest metal frames they sell. These frames are blue.

Lens: 1.57 Mid-Index

Mid-September 2021

End Myopia discovery

Found somewhere. I had been looking for wrap-around sunglasses that would work with my prescription, which was apparently not in "cheap sunglasses on Zenni" territory.

Eating more fiber

Figured out I can get most of my vitamins and minerals from 2 cups cooked greens and a can of beans every day. My fiber intake just went up dramatically and permanently.

July 2021


Right: -4.75 sphere, -1.5 cylinder, 171 axis
Left: -4.5 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 176 axis

January(ish) 2020


Talked optometrist into just checking eye health. Eye health was fine.

June 2019

Quit refined sugar

Did someone refine the fiber out? I won't eat it. Juice? Unacceptable. Honey? Refined by bees. Maple syrup? Sure, if I'm gnawing on a maple tree. Cane sugar? Sure, if I'm eating the cane alone with it. And so forth.
NOTE: This took me 20 years of effort before it finally stuck. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again. I get refined sugar on my birthdays.

July 2018


OD: -5 sphere, -1.5 cylinder, 175 axis
OS: -4.5 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 175 axis

1.61 Blokz Photochromic - Gray

May 2011


OD: -5 sphere, -1.5 cylinder, 168 axis
OS: -4.5 sphere, -1.75 cylinder, 175 axis

Early 1990s

Kept forgetting my glasses at home and not being able to see the blackboard clearly from the first row. Annoyed teacher told me I needed to start remembering to bring my glasses. This is when I started wearing glasses full time.

Late 1980s

I was warned. When I was given my first pair of glasses, I was told, repeatedly, don't wear these glasses when you don't need them. I was living in England at the time. Not sure if it was an English doctor or a US military doctor. In my medical records, my early glasses are "for distance only".

Why I'm here

People with low-to-no myopia are less prone to retinal detachment. Eye problems run in my family. I figure I should do what I can to keep my eyesight in working order.

Things I'd like to be able to see clearly without glasses again:

  • the stars
  • my toes

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You won't find me on the EndMyopia forum. But you can leave me an eyeballs-related message here!