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Habits are important in improving your vision in the long term.

One can never be expected to change everything overnight, but small sustainable changes make all the difference. Try adding/changing one thing at a time and implement that change for a few weeks. Once it is a habit, then add another.

The first two habits you should implement

1. Never use your full correction for near work (see differentials)

2. Take breaks during near work (see 3 hour rule and 20-20-20 rule).

Other important habits

  • Spend lots of time looking at things at the edge of blur wearing your normalized glasses (distance vision)
  • Never underestimate the importance of light to your vision.
  • Spend time outside every day using your distance vision, e.g. with a hobby
  • Look at 3D things that move
example: go for a bike ride and look at the branches as you bike past
  • Limit screen time (at least one eye doctor says to limit your screen time to 6 hours per day)
  • Limit mobile phone use
  • Limit sugar-added foods[1]
  • Limit alcohol intake (it's a kind of sugar anyway)[2]
  • Remember to scoot back from close-up screens
  • It's better to use bigger screens with more distance so op for tv or monitor rather then phone if you can


Celebrate IRL Day

IRL day is a minor holiday in which the Internet Fairy comes and ferries away all the screens. Learn more about IRL Day.