Guide:How to ask for support

Cutest questioning dog :D

This guide will help you answer any questions you have in the right way.

You may have ended up on this page after making a post that was closed/removed for some reason. Don't worry! This advice is written so everyone can have a better time with vision improvement.

Read extensively before asking questions

Try to resist the temptation to ask questions about how things work before reading the materials that already exist. The stuff that's already out there will answer questions much better than whatever small amount of useful information someone might give you in the reply to a post, and we're all tired of answering basic questions  

Asking for support

If you are really unsure about where to get help from, and you've tried your best with the written resources that exist, then you can try your luck at asking for advice from other members of the community.

Sometimes it is a case of individual experiences being better than the written resources.

Asking for support correctly

Doing it calmly and politely

Be sure to show respect to anyone that you ask advice from. Remember they've volunteered to help you in good faith, and they are not the reason you currently are struggling with vision improvement. They're also not obliged to help you, so make sure to be on their good side.

Asking for support incorrectly

Asking for diopter specific advice

Don't ask people for the diopter correction, in numbers, that you should wear to improve your eyesight.

Asking for diopter specific advice implies a grave lack of understanding on what you actually need to do to improve your eyesight. Having the right diopters is only one part of the puzzle in fixing your eyes. Even if you have the numbers you need, you are almost guaranteed not to improve your eyesight if you don't understand anything else.

So, the rule against diopter specific advice is really for your good  

Being entitled

You're not entitled to free support from anyone, let alone good free support. People who offer to help you are volunteers who probably have done a lot of their own work in reading the materials that already exist. A lot of them have made improvements in their eyesight as well. Be like them  

Asking any of these questions

Here you can find a list of frequently asked questions, and their answers

Rationale behind this guide

A lot of people unfortunately stagnate their vision improvement almost entirely by not following the principles in this guide. Furthermore, moderators often have to interfere and shut down threads and discussions where it is clear the original poster has done no research of their own, and are simply looking to use others as a substitute for their own brain and thinking. Sometimes the original posters are banned, if they ignore the warnings from the mods.

It's somewhat annoying to those of us who put in the effort to read and digest the free material, before asking questions. It also clogs up the feeds of people who want some proper discussion.

With that said, if it's clear you have done some reading beforehand, and you are looking for clarification on something complicated, there is nothing to worry about  

See also