Editing abuse filter

Editing filter 2
Filter parameters
Filter ID:2


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:1 hit
Statistics:Of the last 1 action, this filter has matched 0 (0%). On average, its run time is 13.17 ms, and it consumes 1 condition of the condition limit.
user_editcount < 30 & ( ( new_size < 300 & old_size > 300 ) | edit_delta < -5000 ) & ( !added_lines irlike "^#Redirect\s*\[\[" & ( bad_words := "\b(?:(?:P+H+|F)+U+C+K+[\w\d]*?|AN+U+S|CR+A+P|SH+I+T|[KC]+U+N+T|NI+GG+(E+R|A)|(ASS+|BU+(T+|M+))[ \-]*(H+O+L+E|S+E+X|R+A+P+E)|(CO|KA+W+)[CK]|LOO+[SZ]+E+R|BI+T+C+H|PE+N+I+S|WA+N+K+E+R|SP+U+R+T|MA+S+T+U+R+B+A+T+I+O+N|HA+GG+E+R|HERMAPHRO|JESKE COURLANO|(?:PH+|F)A+G+O+T|KINGPINIE|ORLY)\b"; ccnorm(added_lines) rlike bad_words & !ccnorm(removed_lines) rlike bad_words ) )
Filter last modified:13:08, 8 June 2020 by NottNott (talk | contribs)
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