Writing:Binocular Vision in Children

Endmyopia attracts a higher than population average of parents with children that have vision issues above and beyond myopia. Unfortunately we can't help much with medical issues here, but I did want to consolidate some of the reoccurring discussions on the topic of binocular vision and point parents at the available resources.


Symptoms your child may have that indicate they should be evaluated by a specialist in binocular vision or vision therapy:

  • Lazy eye - One eye wanders
  • Your child doesn't look you straight in the eye
  • Corrected visual acuity isn't close to 20/20 or 6/6.
  • More than a diopter difference between the prescription in the two eyes.
  • Poor coordination at 3D tasks like catching balls.
  • ADD - Binocular vision issues don't cause true ADD, but can cause similar symptoms and misdiagnosis.
  • Autism - Binocular vision issues don't cause true autism, but can cause similar symptoms and misdiagnosis.

Why be concerned

Binocular vision isn't just a problem with the eyes, or a problem with the muscles around the eye, it also affects brain development. The earlier you can get this issue corrected the better your child's long term vision will be. If you want to follow the Endmyopia methods, you absolutely need a fully engaged visual cortex and good corrected visual acuity.


Your doctor may prescribe:

  • Prism lenses - these provide temporary alleviation of symptoms, but should be combined with another treatment. These can help the visual cortex develop true 3D vision while you're still working on getting the eyes to look in the same direction.
  • Vision therapy - exercises that improve the coordination between the eyes. These are often done in the office with a doctor, with some homework exercises. The types of exercises done with lenses should absolutely be done with the direction of a medical professional so you don't make the problem worse instead of better.
  • Surgery - if given the option between therapy and surgery I'd try therapy first due to the risks of surgery, but your doctor is most qualified to advise you if surgery is absolutely necessary.

I can't find a specialist

Endmyopia students come from all over the world, and access to specialists may vary. Vision therapy can be done at home, but it must be done right. Unfortunately we can't help you much directly at Endmyopia because this is a medical issue. There are however plenty of books available on vision therapy, and I encourage you to purchase one and dive in. There are manuals suggested for parents and teachers, and there are textbooks that teach the subject at a deeper level. There are also YouTube resources for vision therapy if you search for them.