Guide:How to doubt the reduced lens method

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File:Myopia jake down.png
Probably untrustworthy...?

This guide will show you how to doubt EndMyopia, when you're coming across it for the first time. Wait what?

Obviously, you should doubt this

This is total rubbish! If myopia was reversible everyone would know by now! This guy is trying to sell me something!

— You, reading literally anything here for the first time

When reading EndMyopia content for the first time, if you seriously didn't doubt this stuff for the first time that would be pretty impressive. It's okay because you'll improve your eyes all the same, but mostly everybody has the same initial experience when they find the site for the first time. "It's all a scam." "I mean, it probably is, right?"

There are, of course plenty of snake oil salespeople on the internet. At a quick glance, EndMyopia shouldn't seem all that different.

See also
