Red:Wiki Feedback

Revision as of 18:37, 17 May 2023 by NottNott (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "EM:" to "BV:")

The editors who write the articles here clearly do not have every great idea for articles. Sometimes we don't know what to prioritise writing either. Perhaps coverage of a certain topic on the wiki could be improved greatly, but we don't know about it.

This is a page in which anyone can leave their feedback about what needs to be improved about the content on the wiki. You don't need to create a wiki account to leave your feedback. Please feel free to suggest:

  • New article ideas
  • What needs to be improved about existing content
  • Massive, grand ideas about how this should all work

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and probably will make a difference in the content direction of what editors prioritise moving forward.

Click here to leave feedback about the Wiki

Improve articles yourself

Alternatively, you can create a wiki account and begin improving articles yourself. This is a good idea if you already know enough about EndMyopia, and have the knowledge to share with other people.

Wiki Feedback

Main page: Anonymous:Wiki Feedback

Example feedback

Just testing feedback. -NottNott (talk) 19:21, 20 June 2020 (UTC)