Bates Method

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The Bates Method is a modern interpretation of William Horatio Bates' teachings. Contemporary practitioners of the method believe that using eye exercises to relieve eye strain will reverse myopia.

Bates was the first (recorded) physician to propose and promote a way to reverse myopia and reduce one's dependence on glasses. His expertise and insights were built upon the knowledge that was available at that time.

A copy of his original work can be found here under "Original Issue of Better Eyesight, Nov., 1926 and Perfect Sight Without Glasses Pamphlet"

The reduced lens method is based on the premise that a stimulus is necessary to induce a change. Bates' teachings, both found in his original work and the modern day spin-offs, do not provide such a stimulus. This makes it hard (if not impossible) to use the Bates Method to get back to full natural eyesight without using corrective lenses or laser surgery.

Similar to Bates' approach, the reduced lens method is dependent on eye strain being eliminated. In that respect Bates' exercises provide some relief. Ciliary muscle spasm is the primary culprit in what is known as "pseudomyopia/near induced transient myopia". Exercises used in the Bates Method can relieve eye strain and get rid of ciliary muscle spasm. The reduced lens method proposes the use of Active Focus in conjunction with enough solid distance vision to relieve this muscle spasm.

Bates' eye exercises


Palming is placing your hands over the eyes for a while. This is done with the intention of reducing strain on the eyes. Like many Bates Method practices, palming may be used to temporarily reduce eye strain. However, it is always better to resolve the main causes of eye strain, like uncorrected vision and bad close-up habits. Palming is a practice that does not initiate the stimulus-response mechanism of eyesight improvement.


Swinging is one of the exercises advocated by the Bates Method. There could be some rationalization for it : by allowing the Visual cortex to see different focal planes moving relative to each other, it provides information about the relative distances of those planes, which it would not otherwise have (due to Myopic blur). The visual cortex could use that extra information in some useful way. It would do no harm to give it a try while observing the 3 hour rule or the 20-20-20 rule. Let us know if you find it helpful.

Further references

If you are interested in looking at some of the history of myopia reversal, have a look at this [[1]] by Dr. Harry Benjamin. Although his work is based on many aspects found in Bates' teachings, you will find some noteworthy concepts, in rudimentary form, that are also found in the reduced lens method.

See also