User:NottNott/EndMyopia's existence is a dichotomy

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The whole entire concept of myopia has to make you either laugh or cry, realistically.

— Jake Steiner

EndMyopia's existence is polarising and occupies two very different part in my head.

One part is the fun, happy go-lucky type, which is all like: I get my 20/20 vision back, I have loads of fun making YouTube videos, and I get to pretend to worship an eye guru? How hilarious!!!

And that's totally true, I'm all in it for the jokes and fun stuff. But the other half of the equation is about all the people who are missing out in life as a result of this information not being as widely distributed as it should be.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I'm really not of the depressing disposition. I'm all about being upbeat fun and excitable - that's who I am :D

But there's that 'back of the head thing' that is perfectly aware of how many people are suffering through myopia. Personally, myopia has to be one of my most loathed traits, it has taken away countless opportunities and who knows how much has changed as a result of the butterfly effect.

Butterfly effect

Actions in one area have can cause a disproportionally large effect in another area. For example, how I stumbled onto EndMyopia originally by glancing at a reddit link for half a second, before you know it BOOM I'm making long term improvements in my myopia. My most loathed condition.

How about the way myopia affects us as we grow up? Lost track of the number of sporting events I really did not take seriously, once you find the 'nerd' stereotype that becomes your comfort zone, and those glasses kept me locked in all that time.

Laughing or crying

You cannot cry endlessly about the state of the world. Although at the moment it's pretty bleak!! 50% of the world forecast to have myopia by 2050. 50 percent. Still a mysterious genetic condition, absolute mystery how this is happening. Once you get to those kinds of stupid levels, surely the penny drops for humanity as a collective at some point along the timeline, right?

So it's bleak, and EndMyopia represents the other half of the equation, laughing loads. Full of loads of jokes, a community that takes it easy, it's all great surely. It's the ray of sunshine the world doesn't know it needs, IMO.

You can laugh in your own bubble of friends where everything is always getting better, or you can cry because the world's submerged in a dark reality. 🧐

EndMyopia's (great) future

I'm a ruthless believer in optimism over pessimism, so all of this 'EndMyopia will never take off' or 'if it worked it would already be successful' crap never flies with me. Very militant about ignoring negativity, where the heck does negativity get you anyway?! Not just EndMyopia, but pessimism is far too easy to overdose on from what I've examined. Here's the first thing I think of when someone says one of those two sentences:

It's literal fucking vision improvement, back to 20/20. It literally has the potential to help more than a billion people deal with a severe defect to their most important sensory organ.

I have loads of fun doing everything I do, so I win either way! If EM doesn't take off, well then we keep trying until it does. The biological realities will don't get to change, whether it 'takes off' or doesn't. Experiencing vision improvement has been like a direct injection of vigour and determination to my life, it lets you feel as if you can do anything. It sounds sappy, but it's totally true. I've got nothing but undeniable optimism, enthusiasm and good vibes to give 🤩

Don't linger on the past or present

I mean, that title sounds ripped straight out of some motivational mumbo jumbo, which I normally detest. But any losers who question the intentions of those who promote EM really aren't my cup of tea. Hurr durr they're all paid actors. Wake up. Far too many people gathering around one way of doing things. Something that if true, has the potential to change the world. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't (change scares me :( ).

It's pretty funny really, people will insist someone like me 'doesn't have a life' for promoting something like EM.... and then before you know it reality catches up and suddenly you don't look all that stupid. Or maybe it doesn't 😉