Guide:How to choose your glasses for Endmyopia journey

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1. Normalized

The Normalized (normal or distance use) are glasses slightly reduced from a 20/20 correction. The Normalized are used with the distance vision as main Stimulus to improve eyesight.

Distance Under-correction from full correction Clear vision distance Distance vision visual acuity
By far in normal use -0.25D^ Between 2.67m and 8.00m 20/25
By far in normal use -0.50D^ Between 1.60m and 2.67m 20/30
By far in normal use -0.75D Between 1.14m and 1.60m 20/40
By far in normal use -1.00D Between 0.89m and 1.14m 20/50

^Ideal first Normalized

2. Full Correction

The 20/20 correction (full correction rounded to a step of 0.25 D lower) is a correction that you normally get from a licensed optician, who corrects your eyesight to a degree ofvisual acuity only one emmetropic person (or "normal vision") reached on as nellen chart, putting your blur horizon within 0.25 D of the diagram.

When to use Full Correction? From afar when clear vision is needed (when driving or unreadable small print with Normalized on classroom)

3. Differentials^^ for computer

The Differentials (jargon) (near vision, computer glasses or differentials) are glasses or lenses with reduced power for a close-up work. The differentials just allow you to clearly see what you are working on.

Distance between your eyes and you computer Under-correction from full correction
Between 72.8cm and 88.8cm -1.25D
Between 61.5cm and 72.8cm -1.50D
Between 53.3cm and 61.5cm -1.75D
Between 47cm and 53.3cm -2.00D