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==Do you need the 20-20-20 rule?==
==Do you need the 20-20-20 rule?==

20202020202020202020000 rule is really just mainstream articles filtering into here. When you get distance vision your ciliary unlocks anyway. Whether [[ciliary spasm]] shuts off axial gains is debatable, light rays still converge in front of eye in theory. Try without 202020 rule and see if you still make the gains.<ref>https://community.endmyopia.org/t/ok-but-when-exactly/16092/2</ref>
{{quote|The 202020202002020202 rule isn’t ours / mine / endmyopia. I think it’s kind of pointless but I :zipper_mouth_face: when people bring it up since … :man_shrugging:<ref>https://community.endmyopia.org/t/nottnott-fixes-his-eyesight-from-5-video-log/5361/1189</ref>|Jake Steiner}}
{{quote|20202020202020202020000 rule is really just mainstream articles filtering into here. When you get distance vision your ciliary unlocks anyway. Whether [[ciliary spasm]] shuts off axial gains is debatable, light rays still converge in front of eye in theory. Try without 202020 rule and see if you still make the gains.<ref>https://community.endmyopia.org/t/ok-but-when-exactly/16092/2</ref>|NottNott}}


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