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Vous trouverez ci-dessous de nombreuses études cliniques réalisées par des tiers sur la progression de la myopie et sur la manière dont la myopie peut être inversée.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous de nombreuses études cliniques réalisées par des tiers sur la progression de la myopie et sur la manière dont la myopie peut être inversée.
==Causes de la Myopie==
==Causes de la Myopie==
===Myopie induite par les verres (LIM) & changement de longueur axiale chez l'homme===
===Myopie induite par les verres (MIV) & changement de longueur axiale chez l'homme===
*[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20592235/ ''"Significant changes in optical axial length occurred in human subjects after 60 minutes of monocular defocus."'' IOVS, 2010]
*[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20592235/ ''"Significant changes in optical axial length occurred in human subjects after 60 minutes of monocular defocus."'' IOVS, 2010]
*[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-65151-5 ''"The human eye is able to discern the sign of defocus within minutes after exposure to blur and make changes in its axial length in a direction to reduce the amount of retinal blur"'', Scientific Reports, 2020]
*[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-65151-5 ''"The human eye is able to discern the sign of defocus within minutes after exposure to blur and make changes in its axial length in a direction to reduce the amount of retinal blur"'', Scientific Reports, 2020]
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*[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26010292/''"Small but significant changes in SFCT (Sub-Foveal Choroidal Thickening) (5-8%) were caused by retinal defocus. ."'', OPO, 2015]
*[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26010292/''"Small but significant changes in SFCT (Sub-Foveal Choroidal Thickening) (5-8%) were caused by retinal defocus. ."'', OPO, 2015]

===Myopie induite par les verres (LIM) & changement de longueur axiale chez les animaux===
===Myopie induite par les verres (MIV) & changement de longueur axiale chez les animaux===
*[https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1475-1313.1997.97000033.x ''"Extrapolation of these (animal) findings to humans predicts that natural emmetropization (normal eye development) will be inhibited...by early intervention with prescription lenses..."'' OPO, 2007]
*[https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1475-1313.1997.97000033.x ''"Extrapolation of these (animal) findings to humans predicts that natural emmetropization (normal eye development) will be inhibited...by early intervention with prescription lenses..."'' OPO, 2007]
*[https://endmyopia.org/can-axial-length-be-reduced-for-less-myopia/ ''"It has been suggested that environmental factors such as extensive near work act as triggers of myopia....The expression of AL (Axial Length) genes activated by environmental factors leads to the elongation of AL (Axial Length)."'' Ophthalmologica, 2011]
*[https://endmyopia.org/can-axial-length-be-reduced-for-less-myopia/ ''"It has been suggested that environmental factors such as extensive near work act as triggers of myopia....The expression of AL (Axial Length) genes activated by environmental factors leads to the elongation of AL (Axial Length)."'' Ophthalmologica, 2011]
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*[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10343811/ ''"...spectacle lenses could predictably alter the growth of...eyes resulting in ... refractive changes in both the hyperopic and myopic directions."'' VR, 1999]
*[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10343811/ ''"...spectacle lenses could predictably alter the growth of...eyes resulting in ... refractive changes in both the hyperopic and myopic directions."'' VR, 1999]

===Myopie transitoire induite par le travail de près (NITM) et myopie permanente induite par le travail de près (PM)===
===Myopie transitoire induite par le travail de près (MTITP) et myopie permanente induite par le travail de près (MP)===
*[https://endmyopia.org/us-national-academy-of-sciences-near-work-causes-myopia/''"Today there no longer seems to be any question that nearwork is a causal factor for myopia. "'' The Lancet, 2000]
*[https://endmyopia.org/us-national-academy-of-sciences-near-work-causes-myopia/''"Today there no longer seems to be any question that nearwork is a causal factor for myopia. "'' The Lancet, 2000]
*[https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-and-vision-conditions/myopia?sso=y''"People who do an excessive amount of near-vision work may experience a false or "pseudo" myopia...Clear distance vision usually returns after resting the eyes. However, constant visual stress may lead to a permanent reduction in distance vision over time. "'' American Optometric Association]
*[https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-and-vision-conditions/myopia?sso=y''"People who do an excessive amount of near-vision work may experience a false or "pseudo" myopia...Clear distance vision usually returns after resting the eyes. However, constant visual stress may lead to a permanent reduction in distance vision over time. "'' American Optometric Association]
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*[https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2393165 ''"The results suggest that imposed peripheral myopic defocus (reduced lense use) may be able to be used to control on–axis axial elongation (myopia progression)..."'' GACEO, 2017]
*[https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2393165 ''"The results suggest that imposed peripheral myopic defocus (reduced lense use) may be able to be used to control on–axis axial elongation (myopia progression)..."'' GACEO, 2017]

===Focus Actif (entraînement d'accomodation ou entraînement pour faciliter l'accomodation)===
===Mise au point active (entraînement d'accomodation ou entraînement pour faciliter l'accomodation)===
*[https://endmyopia.org/active-focus-does-it-actually-work-clinical-science/ ''"Training of the accommodative system (active focus)...resulted in improved dynamics...This is consistent with earlier reports in the literature of improvements..."'' OVS, 2009]
*[https://endmyopia.org/active-focus-does-it-actually-work-clinical-science/ ''"Training of the accommodative system (active focus)...resulted in improved dynamics...This is consistent with earlier reports in the literature of improvements..."'' OVS, 2009]
*[https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Changes-in-dynamics-of-accommodation-after-facility-Allen-Charman/bb8e6b6b3e843c144582532d3bdbcfba520eba72''"This study evaluates the effect of accommodative facility training (active focus) in myopes and emmetropes (normal sighted)....The results showed that training (active focus) improved the facility rate (results) in both groups..."'' VR, 2010]
*[https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Changes-in-dynamics-of-accommodation-after-facility-Allen-Charman/bb8e6b6b3e843c144582532d3bdbcfba520eba72''"This study evaluates the effect of accommodative facility training (active focus) in myopes and emmetropes (normal sighted)....The results showed that training (active focus) improved the facility rate (results) in both groups..."'' VR, 2010]


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