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From the article:
From the article:

* "''Cults often isolate their members from friends and family on the outside, punish doubts or questions, and require inordinate sacrifices and money from followers''" - Share what you're learning with your friends and family.  Ask questions.  Do your own research.  Keep getting regular eye health checkups.
* "''Cults often isolate their members from friends and family on the outside, punish doubts or questions, and require inordinate sacrifices and money from followers''" - '''Share what you're learning with your friends and family.  Ask questions.  Do your own research.  Keep getting regular eye health checkups.'''

* "''a cult is a group of people who fanatically follow one person or belief system while also engaging in a number of dangerous practices.''"  '''In conclusion''', EndMyopia has a lot of the traits of a cult, but unless you think this is dangerous, it's probably not a cult.  Or if it is, it's probably harmless so whatever.
* "''a cult is a group of people who fanatically follow one person or belief system while also engaging in a number of dangerous practices.''"  '''In conclusion''', EndMyopia has a lot of the traits of a cult, but unless you think this is dangerous, it's probably not a cult.  Or if it is, it's probably harmless so whatever.


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